It's TIME for FEMALE LEADership Principles!

Heart-Centered Horse Lovers - Learn the NEW WAY:

Patriarchal horse training has been the go-to for 100's of years. Then came Natural Horsemanship... still relying on pressure and control! Even nowadays, the majority of training programs (online or in person) fail to eliminate mental, emotional, physical brace, tension, anxiety, and fear in horse AND human.

Task orientated training, which starts in the arena or round pen, misses crucial opportunities during EveryDayTasks that would help your horse feel seen, heard, and understood.

Residual tension, created through dominance based training,  is the #1 root cause of behavioral issues, poor performance, weakened connection and eroded confidence between horse and human, chronic stress, and health problems.

Pressure & control based training leads to shutdown, argumentative horses, and often results in scary experiences or accidents for horse and human. Treats aren't the solution, as they can't fix fear or lack of respect and may even create more problems. Pushy horse anyone?...

Are you Ready for Positive Change?!

Learn the New Way AND
Participate in a Revolution of the Horse Industry...



Patriarchal horse training has been the go-to for 100's of years. Then came Natural Horsemanship... still relying on pressure and control! Even nowadays, the majority of training programs (online or in person) fail to eliminate mental, emotional, physical brace, tension, anxiety, and fear in horse AND human.

Task orientated training, which starts in the arena or round pen, misses crucial opportunities during EveryDayTasks that would help your horse feel seen, heard, and understood.

Residual tension, created through dominance based training,  is the #1 root cause of behavioral issues, poor performance, weakened connection and eroded confidence between horse and human, chronic stress, and health problems.

Pressure & control based training leads to shutdown, argumentative horses, and often results in scary experiences or accidents for horse and human. Treats aren't the solution, as they can't fix fear or lack of respect and may even create more problems. Pushy horse anyone?...

Are you Ready for Positive Change?!

Learn the New Way AND
Participate in a Revolution of the Horse Industry...


Click Here to Learn More...

The Guardians of the Horse Educational Community is Different... and Truly-One-of-a-Kind!

(...and for Dedicated, Heart-Centered Horse Lovers Only)

Are you ready to be part of a community that emphasizes positive change and transformation in the horse industry?!

Are you excited to learn about intent, energy and body language as your communication tools, how our and our horse's brain works and how to help your horse feel safe, confident and empowered with you - with female LEADership Principles and Love, Peace & Understanding - without the use of pressure, control & treat focused training techniques?

The Guardians of the Horse Educational Community is a premium, subscription-based membership aimed to provide Quality Education for the Individual Horse & Human Herd to create Safety, Confidence & Empowerment for you and your horse as well as facilitate positive change and transformation in the world wide horse industry - for the greater good of Horse AND Human.

Instead of getting overwhelmed with hundreds of available videos like normal equine memberships, I will support you with my Relationship Reset Curriculum to create step-by-step a customized roadmap for you and your horse, supported by my Relationship Restart Curriculum Book and accompanying Video Course, tailored to your situation AND schedule - still at an affordable price!

As a Community of Heart Centered Horse Lovers we have the opportunity of playing the numbers game to stand up and speak out for a Better World for Horses & Humans.

I know my program works if you work it - no matter the problems & challenges! This is not a 'quick fix', 'band-aid' method. We address the root cause, creating permanent, lasting change... When you know how to build a heart-centered, inter-connected relationship, problems will simply melt away! That's why I provide the ONLY ONE-YEAR-MONEY-BACK-GUARANTEE on the market!

LEARN HOW TO CREATE SAFETY, CONFIDENCE & EMPOWERMENT for yourself & your horse (and join me to create the power and force of a heart-centered community that stands for positive change and transformation in the horse industry!)

Case Studies & Results, Shared by my Students


"I'm 72 Years old, my horse is twenty.
It's Never too Late!"


Linda's fell pony Bobby was often worried which caused him to shut down, making him not safe to ride. When Linda did Liberty, Bobby refused to stick around and took off. He would also crowd her personal space. Her dream to take her granddaughter out on the trail was out of question because she felt riding Bobby away from home safely wasn't possible...


"I found Petra, and it has been amazing. I've had horses for over 50 years and with Petra's Program my heart explodes when I see the relationship with my horses blossom in front of my eyes."

Linda Racette Hill with Bobby


"Harry nearly killed me
prior to joining Petra's Program!"


 When Angel got Harry, she knew he would be a tough case. He had spent a year in the bush alone which caused him to be in total self preservation and self protection. He had broken a farrier's hand, charged and ran people over, broken tie rails, bit people during saddling, bucked everybody off: His barn name was "Horrible Harry"...



"I call Harry now Sweatheart! Your Mentorship Program has opened my eyes to the importance of paying attention to the very tiny details of my horse and his communication. It gives me a step by step guide to retraining us both. Your Mentorship program allows the learning for both me and Harry to be accelerated because you are holding my hand and his hooves through the video sessions so it’s all personalised guidance as if you were here with me in Australia. Plus... I must say, the Mentorship community is like the family I have always dreamed of!" 

Angel Ben with Harry

WATCH THIS VIDEO: Here's a  Walkthrough of the Relationship Reset Curriculum I've created to  Help Heart-Centered Horse Lovers like YOU to Create Inter-Connection with 5 LEADmare Principles and Love, Peace & Understanding

(optimized for your desktop, laptop or notepad)
Contact Petra via Messenger by Clicking Here!

4 Action Steps Create the Relationship  Reset

You can get Started TODAY!

Have a Look Behind the Scenes of the 4 Action Steps


With the Relationship Reset Curriculum and my Support
Say NO and Goodbye to...


Treat Based Training Techniques & Pushy Horses



Control & Pressure Focused
Training Techniques



Indoctrinated Patterns  -
aka Learned Helplessness



Disconnected, Shutdown & Unhappy Horses



Negative Feedback
like Nipping, Kicking etc.



Dull, Uncooperative,
Stubborn Horses



Fear & Unconfidence






Bio-Mechanics & Posture



In the Guardians of the Horse Educational Community
Say HELLO to...



Learn how to emulate the kind LEADmare who always makes benevolent decisions for her Herd of 2 - who is not interested in dominance and control. After all, no horse follows the herd stallion. When horse and human feel safe, there is no need for tension!




are the guiding principles of my program GENUINE CONNECTIONS HorseWomanShip and the Relationship Reset Curriculum: You will discover how to help your horse feel seen, heard and understood - and TOGETHER you will feel safe, secure and confident!




Connection has become a buzzword! Trainers use the word in their marketing and sadly teach it by limiting choices & free will, applying conditioned patterns to create learned helplessness. Connection is a mutual exchange based on reciprocity!



Horses are twice as fast as a human athlete. Therefore control as a safety mechanism is an illusion...


My GENUINE CONNECTIONS HorseWomanship Program is ONLY for heart-centered horse lovers who want to let go of control, pressure and even treat-based training techniques to create real, true and genuine inter-connection so you and your horse can feel safe, secure and confident TOGETHER.
If you are looking for short cuts how you can MAKE or CAUSE your horse to do things, you are in the wrong spot.  If you think your own goals are more important than your horse's mental, emotional and physical well-being, you are in the wrong spot.
If you are looking for

• A kind, caring and supportive, close-knit community

• A heart-centered approach so you and your horse can live your optimal best life

• So your horse feels seen, heard and understood

• and you can feel safe, secure and confident with your horse...

 You're in the right spot!


Your Connection & Confidence Coach & Mentor

Why Should you Believe (in) me?

I was a successful Parelli Natural Horsemanship Instructor for several years. In 2013, I resigned because...

I realized: Putting the relationship first can't be just a fancy slogan... Traditional horse training and even natural horsemanship are built on the patriarchal communication of the dominant stallion. It is an illusion that pressure and control based training techniques keep us - the human - safe, secure and confident around horses.

Quite the contrary!

Dominant training ("how your horse who's boss!") KEEPS our horses in self-preservation and self-protection mode, CREATING scary experiences for horse AND human. Accidents are even explained as 'normal'! ("Your not a horsewoman if you haven't fallen off yet!")

Treat based training connects your horse to the treat - and NOT you...

But it Does NOT Have to be This Way:

ALL horses follow the LEADmare, NO horse follows the dominant stallion!

Softness is not a weakness: When your horse feels seen, heard and understood, BOTH - you AND your horse - CAN feel safe, secure and confident TOGETHER! Everything becomes possible when you learn how to adjust your actions to create real, true and genuine INTER-CONNECTION...

I'll show you the HOW!

As certified Insight Inventory® Coach, I am here to help and support YOU AND YOUR HORSE!

xx Petra

I  teach female horse lovers and their horses
from around the World how to...

Feel Safe, Secure and Confident in Each Others' Presence! Are you Next?

United Kingdom

I have to say I have never known anyone as generous as you Petra! What you give to people and horses - and the content of what is in the course - goes way more than any other course I've done or known. You are phenomenal! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the tools to go forward with my beloved horses. You are a light in the darkness for horses and people and may it continue to shine on so brightly.

United States

You are in my head every time I am with my horses!

My relationship with them all is SOOOO much better since I have been learning from you!

You are an amazing woman and you are changing the world for so many of us!

My horses and I love you so much...

Thank you!


I'm really loving your master class. I'm listening in when I can and watch the same video a few times to soak in all your knowledge. I feel more at ease the more I see how relaxed our mare is with all our ground work you have taught us. I turn [my daughter] Sarah is growing so much confidence to do a lot of the tasks on her own (with me watching on of course). You have made this journey so much less scary and 100% safer! Thank you so much!


Nowadays, my mare Nevada is so relaxed: Even her body worker says that she is a different horse! For years, Nevada's tail was tense and tight prior to studying with you. No practitioner could help me with that. I was told it cannot be changed. She can now relax her tail! She also used to pull on me all the time and I was so frustrated. I am so happy that now Nevada easily walks with me and doesn't lunge for grass anymore! A few weeks ago, I thought I would never ride again and now I can see that it will be possible!

The Relationship Reset Curriculum Works...

One Year Money Back Guarantee

My Love-it-or-Pay-Nothing Guarantee - MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS:


My goal is to give my highest level of support to a group of highly engaged and motivated students so I can facilitate positive change and transformation for human and horse. My program is built on reciprocity. So everybody gives and everybody receives.

Please only sign up if you are serious about making a difference for yourself as well as for your horse and you are willing to do 'the work' to become a vital part of our fabulous, heart-centered horse loving community!

At the end of the year, when you absolutely loved it and you feel you have - with my help and support -  implemented life-changing, positive change & transformation in yourself as well as your horse: AWEsome, that's my goal and mission!

If you've done your part (watched the Relationship Reset Course, downloaded and filled out the workbook, participated in the Q&A's, applied your newly found knowledge)... But you feel you did not get any value, and I was not able to help you:

Then you'll simply send me an email, I will review your course participation and if completed, I will refund your payment -  Pinky Finger Promise! All you invested then was your time. That's it!

The Relationship Reset Curriculum, Book & Video Course,  Worksheets, Checklists, Live Lectures & Open Q&A's PLUS various levels of support
including one-on-one video coaching in an intimate group setting -
learn with and from other heart-centered horse lovers...

Fitting every learning style,  individual schedule and situation... with super affordable pricing!


You can get Started TODAY!



(Self Study Curriculum with Support Group & Bi-Monthly Live Q&A's!)


*or save BIG: The Annual Option for only $297 (plus extra perks!)

• The Relationship Restart Book with Homework Prompts & Checklists to create your personalized Success Path Roadmap (Easy-to-Use Digital Download)

• The Relationship Reset Video Course
(delivered step-by-step in weekly increments for ease of learning)

• Bi-Monthly Live Lectures & Open Q&A Meetings
(of course recorded to fit anybody's schedule)

• Access to our exclusive private Community Group
(This is a SAFE SPACE: Kindness, caring & being supportive are our 3 rules!)

• Accessible on your computer as well as your mobile or notepad
(take your lessons to the barn!)

• Annual Option: Get the 90 Day Set & Achieve Your Goals Live Workshop every Quarter
(regular $147/workshop!)

Ready to join?
Click Here!



Success Path VIP Support -
Holding Your Hand & Your Horse's Hoof

Starting at $87/month

**One Week Intensive at Petra's SoulFire Farm - max 4 Students


• 12 MONTH ACCESS to the Guardians of the Horse Community & Educational Material

• Includes all Content of the Premium Community

• 10 Week VIP Support

• Direct message me with your questions in the first 10 Weeks for an easy start

• 32 one-on-one, live Video Coaching Session in a small community setting
(learn from and with each other, build CONNECTIONS!)

• No pressure to attend live, ALL meetings are recorded

• Eight 10 Minute Video Submissions for totally personalized mentoring

• Accessible on your computer as well as your mobile or notepad

• Four 90 Day Set & Achieve Your Goals Live Workshop

• V.I.P. Resources

• Two Implementation Week (to solidify your newly found knowledge!)

Ready to Join?
Click Here!


Success Path VIP Support &
Intensive Learning Opportunity

Starting at $260/month  

**One Week Intensive at Petra's SoulFire Farm - max 4 Students


• 12 MONTH ACCESS to the Guardians of the Horse Community & Educational Material

• Includes all Content of the Premium Community

• 10 Week VIP Support

• Direct message me with your questions in the first 10 Weeks for an easy start

• 32 one-on-one, live Video Coaching Session in a small community setting
(learn from and with each other, build CONNECTIONS!)

• No pressure to attend live, ALL meetings are recorded

• Eight 10 Minute Video Submissions for totally personalized mentoring

• Accessible on your computer as well as your mobile or notepad

• Four 90 Day Set & Achieve Your Goals Live Workshop

• V.I.P. Resources

• Two Implementation Week (to solidify your newly found knowledge!)

Ready to Join?
Click Here!

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